12 interesting facts about Google

Why the first page Google is made in the minimalistic style? It is very simple: because Sergey Brin and Larri Page did not know HTML. about this and other corporate secrets it described the manager of company at the lecture in San Francisco.
This article contains 12 interesting facts about the formation of the krupneyneshey search system in the world.
1. basic reason for the fact that the main page Google takes this naked form, is the fact that founders Google... simply did not know the languages of marking HTML, and they wanted to rapidly make a simple interface. In reality they even for a long time could not make a button "Submit". To send search demand is possible only by pressure of key Enter on the keyboard. Actually, page consisted of one search line alone.
2. because of this, putting it mildly, uncommon type of main page, in the first tests to yuzabiliti Google was noted that Beta-testery simply loaded the page and for long they looked at it. After the minute, when nothing it occurred, in the process of testing they interfered and asked, which happened, on what the answer usually followed: "I await, when loads everything else". In order to solve this problem, was decided to put into the code of page communication o kopirayte as the explicit marker of the end of the page.
3. one of the very significant changes in the behavior of users was observed after introduction to the usovershenstvovannoy function of checking the grammar, from which subsequently appeared the function "Did you mean...", that proposes the different version of search demand. Traffic on the site practically was doubled, and developers began discussions, into what part of the page with the results of search it is better to build-in new function. As a result they solved, that the most effective place is located bottom of the page under the results of search.
4. shameful function "I'.m Feeling Lucky", which sends user immediately to the site according to the first obtained reference, without showing the results of search, in reality almost no one used. However, tests showed that it greatly pleases itself users, and they decided to leave it.
5. service of the online associations Orkut is very popular in Brazil. This site made one very clever programmer Google; therefore they granted to him freedom in the development of his own interface. This is why site is outwardly in no way similar on creation Google.
7. Google it has the largest network of translators in the world.
6. Google it loves to introduce frequent and small improvements into the cursor and interface, in this case it is done no official declarations.
8. rule 20%/5% is used. If 20% of users use a function, then it leaves in the basic interface. In order to include function in the "extended tuning" of search, function they must use as the minimum 5% users.
9. testing showed that the small quantity of people the habits of the majority of users very accurately reflect. On this fact is built the study of the habits of users, which is conducted continuously.
10. name Google was selected by mistake. This is the misprint, made by the founders of company, who wanted to name their site mathematical term "googol". As is known, gugol - this is 10 to degree of 100. Specifically, the arrogant founders of search site wanted to index this quantity of pages. But they first whether was mistaken in the spelling, then whether site with this name was already occupied (it is actually occupied from 13 April, 1995).
11. the post service Gmail two years was tested inside the company to the public starting. It was explained that there are 6 types of users of electronic mail (what - Marissa Mayer did not refine), and Gmail was developed as the universal solution for them of all.
12. to colleagues Google are recommended the using of 20% of their operating time to its own projects. Because of this model into being they came, including Google News and already mentioned Orkut.
Besides entire that enumerated above, Marissa Mayer told other curious information about plans Google. For example, she said that the developers attempt to optimize cursor in such a way that each page with the results of search would reveal to user on the screen in 500 ms, including rendering of page.
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