Camraoke - Digg for Your Favorite Karaoke YouTube Videos

Camraoke is a funny and easy to understand voting platform for YouTube videos with webcam-karaoke content.
First you have to find your favorite Karaoke video on YouTube.
Submitting a new video to Camraoke is really easy - you only need to register and submit the YouTube video URL - the rest will do the API to grab all the data. So it is very easy for users to recommend new videos to the platform. Registered users can "Boost" videos to the FrontPage by visiting the "New Entries" section to see new submitted videos. Videos that have reached a minimum of 10% of the highest vote will reach the FrontPage of Camraoke.

Camraoke was build in less than 2 days but the more the developers work on the Platform the more they loved it so they decided to go further with the idea. Because of that some new features will be adding in the next days like the ability to comments and more activities with other users.

For now the application will support only YouTube videos. The reason is because GoogleVideo did not have an API to grab video data for a specific video.
Too bad for them ;)
Camraoke will be available in few days.
Related Tags: web2.0 karaoke camraoke
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