All the digg-style applications: The list !!!
Had moved the Ajax Startpages from the Social Bookmarks list, now I'm moving all the digg-style or Reddit-style apps.
There seems to be new ones everyday. Maybe it's because unlike social bookmarks which are 'utilities', digg-style apps are community driven, therefor can exist for any subject of discussion, like Listing or cataloging social bookmark services.
As they all have the same features: submit, rate(or digg) and comment, you shouldn't need any special explicative text as I did for the social bookmarks.
- → Social Bookmark Managers(batch editing)
- → Social bookmarks
- → Semi-Public Social Bookmarks(shared access only to registered users)
- → Search-engines With Bookmarking.
- → Public bookmarks.
- → Listing, cataloging
- → Social communities.
- → Annotation services.
- → Ajax (or Flash) Startpages (or Homepages).
- → Specialized bookmarking.
- digg-style ( submit, comment and rate )
- Non English digg-style.
- → Non English Social Bookmarks.
- digg tools. The online Digg tools.
- → Tools: Social bookmarking tools
Digg-style: submit, comment and rate or vote.
180° news: digg-style for news with inpage expand/collapse details. Can we call it web2.0 style?
APBNews: digg-style for crime news.
All Things Dork: digg-style for 'dorked out news'
Blog Reporter: digg-style for blogs.
Blog Memes: digg-style with publishing and thumshots(with a thumbshot update button) exists also in French, Portugese and Spanish.
BiBiLog: digg-style for video, games and funny stuff
BrainDigg / published news: digg-style for brain-related topics. (Pligg*)
Business Planet: digg-style for business news. (Pligg*)
CrispyNews: digg-style listings they call a 'community news site'.
Curious Contraptions Community: A forum digg-style for 9/11 2.0.
Digg: THE DIGG, news with categories.
DigStock: digg-style for Stock news.
Fantacular: Text-based digg-style for news.
fuddle-duddle: digg-style for Canadian political news.
Funzai: digg-style for entetainment.
gibbity: digg-style, rate and review games.
Hitsmit: digg-style for health
Inbreaking(BETA): digg-style for links with social bookmarking support. (Pligg*) for music.
leve1: digg-style fors news with tagging and categories. (and a nice design!)
linkfilter digg-style with rating.
LinkSnarf: digg-style for links.
LinuxFilter: digg-style for Linux related.
Medical Articles and News: digg-style for... Medical Articles and News. (Pligg application)
meme-stream: digg-style for funny and useful links.
memigo : Text-based digg-style for articles.
MetaFilter Projects: digg-style for self-linking projects.
MOG:(Millions of games) digg-style for games with an 'e-mail this' and a 'play this' button.
MotorKen: digg-style for articles about motors, cars.
mp3-o-rama: digg-style for news and resources related to mp3.
muti: digg-style/reddit for content of interest to Southern Africans or those interested in Southern Africa. and digg-style for News with categories.
Newsvine: digg-style community for news with tags and the possibility to create your own columns(write).
nfiltrate: digg-style for promoting your band, clothing company, etc..
newsgarbage: digg-style for technology news.
NowPublic: digg-style for news.
oKs!: digg-style for anything.
PlueBalls: digg-style for movies.
- open source content management system, social bookmarks and digg-style rating. (Pligg*)
Reddit: digg-style for blogs with karma points also exists in many laguages see list below. Has an iframe toolbar.
Riffs digg-style rating for links, music, videos, people, places, food... with photos.
Rrove(BETA): Lets you bookmark places on Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, MapQuest or MSN Maps. (see David's comment) digg-style special news where the most popular link submitter can get paid.
Shoutwire: digg-style rating for news stories.
slackah: digg-style rating for slackers and productivity geeks.
socialporn: digg-style for adult content.
SpinSpy: digg-style for any link.
Spogger: digg-style for 'digital news' with Categories(Channels), Voting, Themes, Karma points. Digg-style for sports.
SpyMy: digg-style created for the South East Asia region.
staralicious: digg-style for celebrity news.
StockDigg. For Stock News.
Taghop: digg-style for links.
Tendango: digg-style with community collections/listing and tagging.
ToxicCyberDust: digg-style for games. (Pligg*)
Video Bomb: digg-style for videos.
VideoSift: digg-style for The Best of Google Video and YouTube. (Pligg application)
Web Feeds digg-style rating for links and videos.
Wobblog: digg-style for blogs.
Lots of kicks series, where you can earn with your Google Adsenes ID:
dotnetkicks: digg-style for Microsoft development techniques, technologies and tools including ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, C++, Visual Studio, Team System, SQL Server and Microsoft Vista.
GoogleKicks: for Google related news. Irish News. digg-style for Java related.
mackicks: digg-style for Mac related. digg-style for Mozilla news.
XboxKicks: digg-style for Xbox related.
* Pligg is a free CMS with tags, automatic podcast creator, new templates, Smarty templating system, external vote buttons, new icons, custom link menu, administrator panel (limited), story administration, language customization and advanced user profiles with gravatars. See Pligg Beta 7 demo.
Other languages:
.N T.P.Y.: Turkish digg-style for Videos.
@News: Japanese digg-style for news. Chinese digg-style.
CSSlook: Korean, Public bookmarking nice designes.
diglog: Chinese digg-style.
dingr: Chinese digg-style.
DoMelhor: Portugese digg-style for news.
Ec Navi Ninki News: Japanese digg-style for news.
eu curti: Brzilian digg-style.
Fresqui(Alpha): Spanish digg-style for technology.
Fuzz: French, digg-style for news.
ihardware: Spanish digg-stlye for technology and hardware.
Linkter: Hugarian digg-style.
Medigg: Chinese digg.
menéame: Spanish, digg-style for blogs. (Original Pligg)
MyClip: Japanese digg-style for links.
newhots: Chinese digg-style. Russian digg-style for news, uses hierachical categories. Chinese digg-style. Spanish digg-style.
que pasa ?: Digg-style for local news with podcast support. French.
Reddit: For ru, no, tr, pl, it, nl, ja, de, fr, es, zh, sv, ko, ro, eu, id, vi, hu, pt, ca (Spanish catalan) and eo(Esperanto), !!
Scoopeo: French digg-style where you can win prizes. Israeli digg-style.
Tag River: Chinese digg-style.
TapeMoi!: French digg-style for news.
Fresqui: Spanish digg-style for technology.
- German digg-clone formerly called
Online Digg Tools:
OpenCourseWare Finder: digg browser.
Digg Friends Checker: See who's friend's lists you are on. Show how many diggs and how many bookmarks. digg / slashdot / popular.
Digg Soundboard.
digg vs dot: highlight the act of crossposting articles from digg and slashdot. Show popular links from Digg,, Furl, Flickr, Reddit, TailRank, Slashdot and Youtube.

Digg is a website with an emphasis on technology and science news. It combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control. News stories and websites are submitted by users, and then promoted to the front page through a user-based ranking system. This differs from the hierarchical editorial system that many other news sites employ (such as the popular tech site Slashdot).
Have I missed any?
If you happen to see an error, see a missing service or that you're going to start a new social bookmarking service, please leave a comment. Thanks! :)
Category: Social bookmarks
Tags: Bookmarking, Reddit, Social, Social Bookmarking, Software,
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