LogoWorks Redesign and Discount Code
I went through the initial stages of the process to see what the Logoworks designers could come up with. After a couple of days I received an email linking to logo concepts (many of them are below). Logoworks stresses that the initial compositions are simply concepts, and asks that you pick one of the concepts and go forward with iterations.
Some of my initial concepts:
The ability to tap into a number of different designers who will have very different logo concepts, combined with the rock bottom pricing, is pretty compelling.
Logoworks has a number of different pricing plans ranging from $300 and up. If you are in the market for a new logo, you may want to give this a look.
Discount Code: If you go to Logoworks using this link - www.logoworks.com/techcrunch, they will take $50 off any order. I am not receiving any commissions or other payments for any purchases - I just asked them to give TechCrunch readers the biggest discount they could. The discount is good until June 13, and you’ll see the original prices crossed out and the discount shown when you select “start my logo”.
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